


Ma, Shaoxiang

Author:    Release time: Oct 17, 2019    click:

Ph.D., Lecturer

E-mail: mashaoxiang@hust.edu.cn



ü High-power and high-voltage power supply technology

ü Digital Electronic Technology

ü Principle of Nuclear Energy and Power plant


ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PhD (2010/9-2015/6)

ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bachelor (2006/9-2010/7)


ü 2015/7-2019/8

Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer



1. Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Ming, Ma Shaoxiang*, Wang Shu, Pan Yuan, Yu Kexun. Analysis of Output Voltage Ripple of AGPS for CFETR N-NBI Prototype. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2019, (Early Access): 1-7.

2. Zhang Ming, Ma Xiao, Ma Shaoxiang*, Wang Shu, Zhang Xueliang, Yu Kexun, Pan Yuan. Design of the control system of acceleration grid power supply for CFETR N-NBI prototype. Fusion Engineering & Design, 2019, (Early Access): 1-4.

3. Zhang Ming, Shao Jun, Ma Shaoxiang*, Liang Xiao, Yu Kexun, Pan Yuan. Design of the power supply system for the plasma current modulation on J-TEXT tokamak. Fusion Engineering & Design, 2016, 108:92-97.

4. Ma Shaoxiang, Zhang Ming*, Chen Dehong, Xia Linglong, Zeng Zhen, Zhang Xueliang, Wang Chuliang, Yu Kexun, A Control System Based on PXI Technology for the ECRH Power Supply of J-TEXT, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, 42(6): 1709-1713.

5. Ma Shaoxiang, Zhang Ming*, Xia Linglong, Chen Dehong, Zeng Zhen, Zhang Xueliang, Wang Chuliang, Yu Kexun, Overview of 100-kV/60-A High-Voltage Power Supply Utilized for the ECRH System on J-TEXT Tokamak, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, 42(3): 656-66.


ü Study on output voltage ripple characteristics of inverter-type high-power ultrahigh-voltage DC power supply, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 51707073

ü Research and development of CFETR N-NBI negative ion accelerator and acceleration grid power supply technology, supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.: 2017YFE0300104

ü Research on key technology and equipment of charged particle catalytic artificial rainfall, supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.: 2016YFC0401002