The Power Electronics Society (PELS) of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has released various major awards in 2020, among which PELS Best Chapter Award is bestowed upon IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter, which was led by our university and jointly founded by other universities and enterprises in Wuhan. This is the first time that the award has been awarded by a chapter in mainland China since it was established 20 years ago.
IEEE is one of the world's largest technical professional organizations for the advancement of technology, covering all fields of electrical and electronic engineering. There are manytechnical societies in IEEE. PELS is one of the largest and fastest growing technical societies of IEEE, as well as the most important international academic organization in the field of power electronics. IEEE PELS has over 170 chapters in the world, encompassing six local chapters in mainland China. Local chapters are the sections of IEEE PELS in various regions and are responsible for local membership organizations and academic activities. Each year, IEEE PELS awards no more than one best chapter to recognize excellent service by the chapter in the year. Past Recipients of Best Chapter Award are announced on the homepage of IEEE PELS. PELS Wuhan Chapter is an award-winning local chapter in 2020.
IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter was founded in 2018. Its core members are mainly from SEEE of our university. The current chairman is Professor Jiang Dong of HUST SEEE. In the two years since its establishment, IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter has actively organized IEEE related academic activities, which have been reported twice by IEEE Power Electronics Magazine as press releases. In 2019, the first joint academic conference was held by PELS in collaboration with other three technical chapters of IEEE (PES, IES and IAS, all relying on SEEE). In November 2019, Professor Frede Blaabjerg, currentPELS President, visited HUST and held a roundtable discussion with IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter, praising the work of Wuhan Chapter. In 2020, Wuhan Chapter is honored with Best Chapter Award, which is also IEEE PELS’ recognition of the service by Wuhan Chapter in the past two years.