Ph.D., Professor

ü Low temperature plasma science and technology
ü High voltage engineering
ü Medical Devices development and control
ü Artificial Intelligent techniques
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PhD (2008/9-2013/6)
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bachelor (2004/9-2009/7)
ü 2017/8~Present
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor
ü 2013/8-2017/7
University of California at Berkeley, Department of Chemical and Biomelocular Engineering, Postdoc
1. Shasha Zhao, Rui Han, Yuan Li, Chen Lu, Xingyu Chen, Zilan Xiong,a), and Xiang Mao. Investigation of the mechanism of enhanced and directed differentiation of neural stem cells by an atmospheric plasma jet: A gene-level study. J. Appl. Phys. 125, 163301, 2019
2. Zilan Xiong, Shasha Zhao, Xu Yan. Nerve Stem Cell Differentiation by a One-step Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment in Vitro. J Vis Exp. Jan 11; (143), 2019.
3. Zilan Xiong, Cold Atmospheric Plasmas: A Novel and Promising Way to Treat Neurological Diseases. Trends Biotechnol. Jun; 36(6):582-583, 2018.
4. Zilan Xiong and David Graves, A cupping-assisted plasma treatment for skin disinfection. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 50, Number 5, 2017.
5. Zilan Xiong, Jeffrey Roe, Timothy C. Grammer and, David B. Graves, Plasma Treatment of Onychomycosis, Plasma Process and Polymers, 13, 588–597, 2016. (Cover Picture)
6. Z. Xiong, S. Zhao, X. Mao, X. Lu, G. He, G. Yang, M. Chen, M. Ishaq, K. Ostrikov, Selective neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells induced by nanosecond microplasma agitation, Stem Cell Res, 12(2):387-399, 2014.
7. Zilan Xiong, Quanjun Huang, Zhan Wang, Xinpei Lu and Yuan Pan, On the electrical characteristic of atmospheric pressure Air/He/O2/N2/Ar plasma needle, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 41(7), 2013.
8. Z. Xiong, X. Lu, Y. Cao, Q. Ning, K. Ostrikov,Y. Lu, X. Zhou, and J. Liu. Room-temperature, atmospheric plasma needle reduces adenovirus gene expression in HEK 293A host cells,Applied Physics Letters, 99, 253703, 2011.
9. Z. Xiong, T. Du, X. Lu,Y. Cao,Y. Pan, How deep can plasma penetrate into a biofilm, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 221503, 2011.
10. Z. Xiong, X. Lu, A. Feng, Y. Pan, K.Ostrikov, Highly effective fungal inactivation in He+O2 atmospheric-pressure nonequilibrium plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 123502, 2010.
1. Zilan Xiong, Atmospheric pressure plasmas for skin wound healing, INTECH, Plasma Medicine - Concepts and Clinical Applications, 978-953-51-5697-0. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.68652, 2018.
1. Zilan Xiong. A novel plasma processing device. China Patent (ZL 2018 2 0279050.1)
2. Zilan Xiong, Xingyu Chen, Chen Lu, Zhenping Zou, Rui Han. A novel plasma Electrostatic spinning machine. China Patent (ZL 2018 2 1864294.2)
ü Overseas high-level talents, 2018
ü Huazhong Scholar, 2017
ü Excellent Doctoral thesis of Hubei province, 2014
ü Top ten students of Science and Technology (Rank 3), Huazhong Univ. of Sci&Tech, 2013
ü National scholarship for Doctoral candidate (top 5%), Ministry of Education, 2012
ü Best Paper Award. The 9th academic annual conference of electrical engineering 2010