Ph.D., Professor

ü Topological materials and topological states
ü Strongly correlated systems exhibiting multipole order or unconventional superconductivity
ü Novel two-dimensional quantum materials and quantum states
ü Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, PhD (2005/09-2010/7)
ü Jinan University, Department of Physics, B.S. (2001/9-2005/07)
ü 2016/10-now Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, HUST, Professor
ü 2012/11-2016/08 Stanford University, Postdoc, Supervisor: Shou-Cheng Zhang
ü 2010/07-2012/11 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Assistant researcher
1. Guiyuan Hua, Simin Nie, Zhida Song, Rui Yu, Gang Xu, Kailun Yao. Dirac semimetal in type-IV magnetic space groups. Physical Review B, 98(20): 201116, 2018.
2. Yonghao Yuan, Wei Li, Bin Liu, Peng Deng, Zhilin Xu, Xi Chen, Canli Song, Lili Wang, Ke He, Gang Xu, Xucun Ma, Qi Kun Xue. Edge states at nematic domain walls in FeSe films. Nano Letters, 18(11): 7176-7180, 2018.
3. Simin Nie, Gang Xu, Fritz B Prinz, Shou-cheng Zhang. Topological semimetal in honeycomb lattice LnSI. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(40): 10596-10600, 2017
4. Gang Xu, Biao Lian, Peizhe Tang, Xiao-Liang Qi, Shou-cheng Zhang. Topological supercon- ductivity on the surface of Fe-based superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett., 117:047110, 2016
5. Gang Xu, Biao Lian, Shou-Cheng Zhang.Intrinsic Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in the Kagome Lattice Cs2LiMn3F12, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115 (18):186802, 2015
6. Gang Xu, Jing Wang, Claudia Felser, Xiao-Liang Qi, Shou-Cheng Zhang. Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Insulator Heterostructure. Nano letters, 15(3):2019-2023, 2015
7. Gang Xu, Jing Wang, Binghai Yan, Xiao-Liang Qi. Topological superconductivity at the edge of transition-metal dichalcogenides. Phys. Rev. B, 90(10):100505(R), 2014
8. Gang Xu, Hongming Weng, Zhijun Wang, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang.Chern Semimetal and the Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect in HgCr2Se4. Phys. Rev. Lett., 107(18):186806, 2011
9. Gang Xu, Wenmei Ming, Yugui Yao, Xi Dai, S-C Zhang, Zhong Fang. Doping-dependent phase diagram of LaOMAs (M=V–Cu) and electron-type superconductivity near ferromagnetic instability. Europhysics Letters, 82(6): 67002, 2008
10. Jing Dong, Haijun Zhang, Gang Xu et al., Competing orders and spin-density-wave instability in La (O1-xFx) FeAs. Europhysics Letters 83: 27006, 2008
ü Novel quantum properties induced by strong spin orbit coupling and its multifield regulation under complex extreme conditions, supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under grant No. 2018YFA0307000
ü Theoretical and computational study of topological semi-metals, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 11874022
ü Research on the Basic Theory of New Topological Material Design and Topological Order, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 11204359
ü Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the CAS (2018)
ü PRL, Nano Letters etc. reviewer