Ph.D., Professor

ü Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields
ü Generation of high magnetic fields
ü Design and manufacture of magnetic field coils
ü Applications of high magnetic fields
ü Measurement of puled magnetic fields
ü 2000.09~2005.07: PhD in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
ü 2003.08~2004.07: International student, Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
ü 1996.09~2000.07: BS in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
ü 2011.11~present: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center & School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Professor
ü 2009.07~2009.08: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting fellow
ü 2008.05~2008.06: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting fellow
ü 2006.07~2011.10: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center & School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Associate professor
ü 2006.07~2006.12: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting scholar
ü 2005.09~2006.06: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center & School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Lecturer
ü 2005.06~2005.08: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting scholar
1. Quqin Sun, Fan Jiang, Le Deng, Houxiu Xiao, Liang Li, Tao Peng*..Multi-shot Analysis of a 65 T Pulsed Magnet Consid-ering Different Failure Modes of Cu-Nb Conductor..IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2018, 28(3): 4300505
2. Tao Peng, Le Deng, S. Wang, Y.L. Lv, H.X. Xiao.Development and Performance of 65 T Fast-cooling User Magnet with Long Service Life..IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2018, 28(3): 0600204
3. T. Peng, F. Jiang, Q.Q. Sun, Y. Pan, F. Herlach, L. Li*, Concept Design of 100T Pulsed Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, 26(4):4300504
4. T. Peng*, F. Jiang, Q.Q. Sun, Q. Xu, H.X. Xiao, F. Herlach, L. Li, Design and Test of a 90 T Non-destructive Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2014, 24(3):4300604
5. Tao Peng*, Quqin Sun, Jianlong Zhao, Fan Jiang, Liang Li, Qiang Xu, Fritz Herlach, Development of Fast Cooling Pulsed Magnets at the WHMFC, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013, 84:125112
6. T. Peng*, H.X. Xiao, F. Herlach, L. Li, Measurement of the deformation in pulsed magnets by means of optical fiber sensors, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2012, 22(3):9000504
7. T. Peng*, Q.Q. Sun, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, H.X. Xiao, F. Herlach, Y. Pan, L. Li, Design and Performance of the First Dual-Coil Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2012, 170(5/6):463-468
8. T. Peng*, L. Li, F. Herlach, Development of Pulsed Magnets in WHMFC, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2010, 20(3):652-655
9. T. Peng, Y.X. Song, F. Herlach, L. Li*, Influence of a Thick Stainless Steel Shell on the Field Waveform of a Pulsed Magnet, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2010, 159(1-2):341-344
10. F. Jiang, Q. Q. Sun, Z. P. Lai, B. Luo, Y. Pan, L. Li, T. Peng*, Electromagnetically driven expanding ring test for the strength study of the Zylon/epoxy composite, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, 26(4):9000106
ü Realization and Research on the Key Issues of the 100 T Ultra-high Pulsed Magnetic Field, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51677079), 2017-2020
ü Theoretical Analysis and Design of High Field Pulsed Magnet, supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFA0401701), 2016-2020
ü Research on the Mechanical Behaviour of 80 T Class Ultra-high Field Pulsed Magnet, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51177064), 2012-2016