Ph.D., Professor

ü Low-dimensional quantum magnetism and spin frustration
ü High magnetic field-induced quantum phase transitions
ü College Physics
ü Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD (2001/03-2004/07)
ü Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, Master (1996/09-1999/09)
ü Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, Bachelor (1992/09-1996/09)
ü 2008/11-present
Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Professor
ü 2006/11-2008/11
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, JSPS Postdoc
ü 2004/10-2006/11
Ames Laboratory, US DoE and Iowa State University, USA, Postdoc
1. L. Yin, Z. W. Ouyang*, J. F. Wang,* X. Y. Yue, R. Chen, Z. Z. He, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and Y. Liu, “Anisotropic magnetization plateaus in Seff = 1/2 skew-chain single-crystal Co2V2O7”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 134434 (2019).
2. R. Chen, J. F. Wang*, Z. W. Ouyang*, Z. Z. He, S. M. Wang, L. Lin, J. M. Liu, C. L. Lu, Y. Liu, C. Dong, C. B. Liu, Z. C. Xia, A. Matsuo, Y. Kohama, and K. Kindo, “Magnetic field induced ferroelectricity and half magnetization plateau in polycrystalline R2V2O7 (R = Ni, Co)”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 184404 (2018).
3. Z. W. Ouyang, Y. C. Sun, J. F. Wang*, X. Y. Yue, R. Chen, Z. X. Wang, Z. Z. He*, Z. C. Xia, Y. Liu, and G. H. Rao, “Novel half-magnetization plateau and nematiclike transition in the S=1 skew chain Ni2V2O7”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 144406 (2018).
4. X. Y. Yue, Z. W. Ouyang*, M. Y. Cui, L. Yin, G. L. Xiao, Z. X. Wang, J. Liu, J. F. Wang, Z. C. Xia, X. Y. Huang, and Z. Z. He*, “Syntheses, structure and 2/5 magnetization plateau of a 2D layered fluorophosphate Na3Cu5(PO4)4F•4H2O”, Inorg. Chem. 57, 3151 (2018).
5. X. Y. Yue, Z. W. Ouyang*, J. F. Wang, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and Z. Z. He*, “Magnetization and ESR studies on Cu4(OH)6FCl: an antiferromagnet with a kagome lattice”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 054417 (2018).
6. M. Y. Ruan, Z. W. Ouyang*, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and G. H. Rao*, “Magnetization, ESR, and giant magnetocaloric effects in nanocrystals of Haldane-chain compound Gd2BaNiO5”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 122403 (2017).
ü High magnetic-field study on exchange interactions and quantum effects in spin clusters, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 11874023,2019-2022
ü High magnetic-field ESR study on spatially confined low-dimensional quantum magnetic materials, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 11474110, 2015-2018
ü Weak magnetic-field study on the short-range ferromagnetic correlations in quasi-1D spin system Ca3(Co,T)2O6, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 11074083, 2011-2013
ü Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2010
ü Huazhong scholar, 2012