Ph.D., Professor

ü High Magnetic Field Technology and Its Application
ü Electromagnetic measurement and instrumentation
ü Signals and Systems
ü Power System Harmonics
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PhD (1999/9-2004/6)
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Master (1996/9-1999/6)
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bachelor (1992/9-1996/6)
ü 2011/11-Present
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Professor
ü 2006/7-2011/10
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor
ü 2004/7-2006/7
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer
1. Shaozhe Zhang, Zhenglei Wang, Tonghai Ding, Houxiu Xiao, Jianfeng Xie, Xiaotao Han*. Realization of High-stability Flat-top Pulsed Magnetic Fields by a Bypass Circuit of IGBTs in the Active Region. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Accepted.
2. Jiangtao Shi, Yixuan Wang, Jianfeng Xie, Xiaotao Han*, Liang Li, Yuan Pan. Implementation of an Advanced Control and Data Acquisition System for the 100 T Pulsed Magnet at WHMFC. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 9001404, 2018.
3. Quanliang Cao, Zhenhao Li, Zhen Wang, Qi, Fan, Xiaotao Han*. Disaggregation and separation dynamics of magnetic particles in a microfluidic flow under an alternating gradient magnetic field. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(19), 195002, 2018
4. Qi Chen, Xiaotao Han*, Jiawei Wu, Quanliang Cao, Lantao Huang, Lin Liu, Liang Li. Mechanism of high velocity electromagnetic deformation of Al-Mg alloy, Philosophical Magazine, 97(1): 69-83, 2017
5. Xiaotao Han, Jiawei Wu, Lantao Huang, Lei Qiu, Qi Chen, Quanliang Cao, Fritz Herlach and Liang Li. High speed displacement measurement based on electro-magnetic induction applied to electromagnetically driven ring expansion. Review of Scientific Instruments, 88(11): 114702, 2017
1. Xiaotao Han, Quanliang Cao, Qi Chen, Zhangzhe Li, Zhenhao Li, Liang Li. Electromagnetic pulse forming device and method for metal plate. China Patent (ZL 201710469685.8)
2. Xiaotao Han, Zelin Wu, Qi Chen, Quanliang Cao, Liang Li. Amorphous alloy forming method based on Lorentz force. China Patent (ZL 201710303872.9)
3. Xiaotao Han, Shaozhe Zhang, Quanliang Cao, Zhen Wang, Liang Li. A device and method for alternating magnetic field generating. China Patent (ZL 201710294868.0)
4. Xiaotao Han, Jiawei Wu, Liang Li. Speed measuring device and method based on electromagnetic induction. China Patent (ZL 201611164166.2)
5. Xiaotao Han, Qi Chen, Zelin Wu, Chunting Liu, Yuyuan Song, Liang Li. Method for preparing amorphous alloy wire. China Patent (ZL 201611226137.4)
ü Advanced experimental technology research and facility performance improvement of pulsed high magnetic field, Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.: 2016YFA0401703, 2016-2020
ü Study on the magnetofection behavior and enhancement mechanism of magnetofection efficiency under the action of dynamic magnetic field, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 51577083, 2016-2019
ü Basic Research of Forming by Space-Time-Controlled Multi-Stage Pulsed Magnetic Field, Supported by The National Basic Research Program (973 Program), No.: 2011CB012800, 2011-2016
ü Study on the mechanism of three dimensional sweeping high gradient magnetic field applied to enhance efficiency of agonists to activate GPCR, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 51077064, 2011-2014
ü Grand Prize of Hubei Science and Technology Progress Award, 2018
ü Third Prize of China Electric Power Science and Technology Award, 2008
ü Vice-Chairman of Subgroup Joining, International Impulse Forming Group (I²FG)
ü Member of IEEE