Ph.D., Professor

Ø Research Interests
1. Modeling and control of power apparatus for grid-integration of large-scale renewable generations
2. Modeling, analysis and control of power electronics dominated power systems
3. Modular multilevel converters for high-voltage direct current (MVDC and HVDC) applications
Ø Teaching Course
1. High Power Converters and AC Drives
2. Wind Power Generation Systems and Modern Control Strategy
3. Power Electronics Apparatus and Systems
ü Zhejiang University (ZJU), College of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. (2004/9-2009/6)
ü Zhejiang University (ZJU), College of Electrical Engineering, Bachelor (2000/9-2004/7)
ü 2011/8-present
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor
ü 2009/9-2011/8
The University of Sheffield, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Post-Doctoral Research Associate (with Prof. Z. Q. Zhu, Fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow)
ü 2007/11-2008/11
The University of Strathclyde, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Visiting Scholar (with Prof. Lie Xu)
1. Jiabing Hu, Bo Wang, Weisheng Wang, Haiyan Tang, Yongning Chi, Qi Hu, Small Signal Dynamics of DFIG-based Wind Turbines during Riding Through Symmetrical Faults in Weak AC Grid, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, June 2017, 32(2): 720-730.
2. Jiabing Hu, Kecheng Xu, Lei Lin, Rong Zeng, Analysis and Enhanced Control of Hybrid-MMC-based HVDC Systems during Asymmetrical DC Voltage Faults, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, June 2017, 32(3): 1394-1403.
3. Jiabing Hu, Hao Yuan, Xiaoming Yuan, Modeling of DFIG-based WTs for small-signal stability analysis in DVC timescale in power electronized power systems, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, September 2017, 32(3), 1151-1165.
4. Jiabing Hu, Yunhui Huang, Dong Wang, Hao Yuan, Xiaoming Yuan. Modeling of Grid-Connected DFIG-based Wind Turbines for DC-Link Voltage Stability Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, October 2015, 6(4): 1325-1336.
5. Jiabing Hu, Yikang He, Lie Xu, B. W. Williams, Improved control of DFIG systems during network unbalance using PI–R current regulators, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, February. 2009, 56(2), 439-451.
1. Jiabing Hu, Yongning Chi, Haiyan Tang. Doubly Fed Induction Machine: Modeling and Control for Wind Energy Generation. China Machine Press, 2014.8
2. Yikang He, Jiabing Hu, Lie Xu. Modeling, Control and Operation of Grid-Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generators for Wind Turbines. China Electric Power Press, 2012.4
1. Jiabing Hu, Kecheng Xu, Wanning Zheng. Ride-Through and Recovery Method for DC Short Circuit Faults of Hybrid MMC-Based HVDC System. US Patent (US9627956B2)
2. Jiabing Hu, Maozeng Lu, Muchao Xiang, Lei Lin. Operating Method of Full-Bridge Modular Multilevel Converter Boosting AC Voltages. US Patent (US9735702B2)
Ø Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-PI
1. Theories and Methods for Nonlinear Multi-Time Scale Coupled Oscillations in Power Electronics Dominated Power Systems, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥12.0M Yuan, 01/2019-12/2022. (Co-PI)
2. Theory and Method of Stability Analysis for Power Electronized Power Systems, supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, ¥12.7M Yuan, 07/2016-12/2020. (PI)
3. Safe Operating Margin of Voltage-Source-Converter based High-Voltage-Direct-Current (VSC-HVDC), Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), ¥5.0M Yuan, 01/2014-12/2018. (Co-PI)
4. Control of Wind Power Generation Systems and Their Grid-Connected Operation in a Large Scale, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥1.0M Yuan, 01/2014-12/2016. (PI)
5. Investigations on Ride-Through Control Strategies of Large-Scale Wind Turbines under Transient Grid Faults and Their Impact to the Transient Synchronizing Stability of Power Network, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥800K Yuan, 01/2013-12/2016. (PI)
Ø Main Participate
1. Integration of Large Scale Wind Power into Power Systems, sponsored by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), ¥38M Yuan, 01/2012-12/2016 (PI: Prof. Xiaoming YUAN, HUST).
2. Theory and Method for Dynamic Stability Control of Stochastic and Determinate Power Systems”, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥2.8M Yuan, 01/2012-12/2016 (PI: Prof. Xiaoming YUAN, HUST)
3. Enhanced Control and Operation of DFIG based Wind Turbines under Non-Ideal Network Conditions, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥200K Yuan, 01/2009-12/2012. (PI: Yikang HE, ZJU)
4. Low Voltage Ride Through Operation of DFIG based Wind Turbines, sponsored by National High Technology Research and Development of China (863 Program), ¥2M Yuan, 01/2008-06/2010 (PI: Yikang HE, ZJU)
5. Control and Operation of DFIG Wind Power Generation Systems during Network Unbalance, by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), ¥300K Yuan, 01/2006-12/2008 (PI: Yikang HE, ZJU)
ü Elected to FELLOW of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on August 29, 2018
ü Nominated by Elsevier to between the 41 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2016 and 2017
ü Nominated by the Ministry of Education of China to Yangtze River Young Scholar in 2016 (Only two young scholars in electrical engineering received the grant across the country in 2016)
ü Nominated by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of China to Young Top-Notch Scholar in 2015 (Only two young scholars in electrical engineering received the grant across the country in 2015)
ü Nominated by the National Natural Science Foundation of China to Excellent Young Scholars in 2013 (Only five young scholars in electrical engineering received the grant across the country in 2013)
ü Received the Delta Young Scholar Award from the Delta Environmental and Educational Foundation in 2015
ü Received the Excellent Young Scholar Award from China Power Supply Society (CPSS) in 2015