Professor, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

✓ Particle accelerator and nuclear technology application in industry
✓ Magnet design and engineering
✓ Numerical computation of electromagnetic fields and related computer codes development
✓ Huazhong University of Science and Technology, SEEE, Bachelor (1960/9-1965/7)
✓ Huazhong University of Science and Technology, SEEE, Professor (2001/2- Now)
✓ Huazhong University of Science and Technology, President (2001/2-2005/3)
✓ China Institute of Atomic Energy, Technician/Engineer/Senior Engineer/Professor (1965/8-2001/1)
✓ Rutherford Lab, UK, Visiting scientist (1979/10-1981/6)
✓ Daresbury Lab, UK, Visiting scientist (1981/6-1981/11)
✓ Texas Accelerator Center, USA, Research Associate (1986/4-1988/3)
✓ Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, Research Engineer I (1988/3-1988/9)
✓ KMS fusion inc., USA, Research scientific consultant (1987/9-1988/1)
✓ European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France, Visiting scientist (1991/7-1991/8)
✓ University of Illinois at Urbana Champain, USA, Visiting professor (1993/9-1994/4)
1. Automatic optimization of pole profile using boundary integral method, RL--80--52,1980, (Mingwu Fan, C. W. Trowbridge, J. Simkin)
2. Diagonal term in boundary integral method, RL--81--02, 1981,(Mingwu Fan)
3. Some aspects of the design of plane periodic permanent magnet for use in undulator and free electron lasers, DL--SCI--TM30A, 1981, (Mingwu Fan, Mike Poole)
4. PMU3D--a program for three dimensional field calculations on periodic permanent magnet system, DL--SCI--TM29A,1981 (Mingwu Fan Co-authors: Mike Poole)
5. Automated optimization of magnet design using the boundary integral method, p620, IEEE Trans. Mag--18, No.2, 1982, (Mingwu Fan, A. Armstrong, C. W. Trowbridge, J. Simkin)
6. DE2D interactive software package for 2D magnetostatic electrostatic and eddy current field computations, IEEE Trans., Vol. Mag--21, No.6,1985, (Mingwu Fan, Weili Yan, Yixin Miao)
7. Some experience of using integral equation methods to calculate magnetostatic fields, IEEE Trans., Vol. Mag-21, No. 6,1985 (Mingwu Fan, Hanguang Shao, Jingguo Wang)
8. The computations of magnetostatic of REPM synchronous generators using GTFM and two scalar potentials, IEEE Trans., Vol. Mag--21,No.6,1985, (R Y Tang,M W Fan,L J Miao,Q F Wang)
9. Magnetostatic field calculation by two scalar potential method, The IUTAM--Symposium, Tokyo, 1986, ( Mingwu Fan, Yixin Miao)
10. Advanced two dimensional automatic triangular mesh generation for DE2D interactive software package, IGTE--Symposium-Graz,1986, (Y X Miao,M W Fan)
11. Integral methods combined with differential equation methods to solve 2D and 3D magnetostatic field distribution problems, JHIT (selected papers), pp35-42, 1986, ( Mingwu Fan, Weili Yan)
12. Design of superconductive dipole magnet for XLS, Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, April 18-21, 1988, (Mingwu Fan, B. Craft)
13. Correction Magnets for the Superconducting Supercollider, IEEE CH2387-9/87, p1675,( M W Fan, F R Huson, W MacKay, S Pissanetzky, R Rocha, W Schmidt, G Shotzman, R Stegman, T Mann, J Zeigler)
14. Three-dimensional magnetic engineering: The programs magnus and epilog[J]. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A, (Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment), 1988, 272(1-2):606-609. Fan M, Pissanetzky S.
15. MCAD, a CAD system for cyclotron magnets and its applications, Proc. of 26th European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, 1989 (T J Zhang,M W Fan)
16. Recomputation and redesign for CYCLONE 30 main magnet, Proc. of China-Japan Accelerator Symposium, 1990 Mingwu Fan, Yong Chen, Xingzhi Zhang, Tianjue Zhang
17. Automatic mesh generation and graphic display for 3D finite element codes, Proc. of China-Japan Accelerator Symposium, 1990 (T J Zhang,M W Fan)
18. Preliminary magnetic design for a superconducting wiggler, ESRF-SR/ID-91-51, September 1991 (M W Fan, P. Elleaume,C. Penel)
19. Mingwu Fan. THREE DIMENSIONAL FIELD COMPUTATION SOFTWARE PACKAGE DE3D AND ITS APPLICATIONS[J]. China Nuclear Science & Technology Report, 1992, 14(4):363-551.
20. Intelligent CAE system of CYCLONE type cyclotron main magnet and its application, CNIC-00646, China Nuclear Information Center, 1992, (T J Zhang,Y Chen,MWFan)
21. Measurement and adjustment of CIAE medical cyclotron magnet[C]// Particle Accelerator Conference. IEEE, 1993. (Fan M, Zhang X, Zhang T, et al.)
22. Development and applications of intelligent CAE system for cyclotron main magnet, Vol.13, No. 1 pp77-84, Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1993, (T J Zhang,Y Chen,M W Fan)
23. Mingwu Fan. Accelerator Research & Development Activities at CIAE. APAC98 Contributions to the Proceedings, 1998.
24. Invited Paper: Accelerator research & development activities at CIAE, First Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Tokyo, 1998 (M W Fan)
25. The magnetic field computation and magnet shimming simulation of 70 MeV cyclotron CYCIAE-Proc of the First Asian Particle Accelerator Conference. 1998. Mingwu Fan, Tianjue Zhang.
26. Initial operation of CIAE medically used cyclotron, Particle Accelerator Conference. 1997. Fan M, Zhang T.
27. Proposal of radioactive isotope and nuclear structure study facility RINSS. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology. Japan, 1999, 152~154 M Fan.
28. Some R&D for the upgrade project of Beijing Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, International Particle Accelerator Conference. IEEE, 2001. Fan M
29. Fan M, Li S, Yu T, et al. Applying virtual prototyping to the innovative design of low energy accelerators[C]// Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. IEEE, 2003.
1. Fan Mingwu, Qin Bin. Virtual Prototyping Techniques for Design of Compact Cyclotrons. Hubei Science & Technology Press, 2008.1
2. Fan Mingwu, Yan Weili. Integral equation method of electromagnetic field. China Machinery Industry Press. 1988.
3. Fan Mingwu, Zhang Chunlin. The Foundation of Nuclear Radiation Physics. Jinan University Press. 2010
4. Zhang Tianjue, Fan Mingwu, Cyclotron Physics and Engineering, Atomic Energy Press, 2010
✓ Gold Medal of the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, 2018
✓ First prize for technological invention in Hubei Province, 2017
✓ China Patent Excellence Award, 2017
✓ Gold Medal with the Congratulations of the Jury, the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, 2016
✓ Third Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress: Software development of electromagnetic field and application in accelerator engineering. National Committee of Science & Technology, 1995
✓ First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress: Software of electromagnetic field of electric appliances, Hebei Province, Hubei Province, 1986
✓ Second Prize: Numerical Computation Software Package DE2D, Ministry of Nuclear Industry, 1986
✓ Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress: Numerical Computation Software Package DE3D and Application, , Nuclear Industry Corporation 1993
✓ Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress: Design and Construction of CYCIAE30 Magnet, Nuclear Industry Corporation, 1995
✓ Second Prize: Magnet Design and Construction of CYCIAE30 Beam Transportation Line, Nuclear Industry Corporation, 1995
✓ Second Price: Short Life Time Isotope Production, Nuclear Industry Corporation, 1997