Ph.D., Professor

ü Power electronics and motor drive
ü Power system analysis and modeling
ü Power quality
ü Flexible AC system and HVDC
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PhD (2000/9-2005/5)
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Master (1997/9-2000/7)
ü Tianjin Polytechnic University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bachelor (1991/9-1995/7)
ü 2017/11-2019/8
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor
ü 2006/8-2017/9
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor
ü 2000/7-2006/7
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer
ü 1995/7-1997/7
Wuhan No.1 Textile Group Co., Ltd., Power department, Assistant Engineer
1. D. Li, Q. Chen, Z. Jia, et al.A Novel Active Power Filter With Fundamental Magnetic Flux Compensation.IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2004,19(2):799~805.
2. D. Li, Q. Chen, Z. Jia, et al.A High-Power Active Filtering System With Fundamental Magnetic Flux Compensation.IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006, 21(2): 823-830
3. D. Li, Z.Q. Zhu, A Novel Integrated Power Quality Controller for Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol.62, no.5, pps: 2848 - 2858, May 2015
4. D. Li, Z.Q. Zhu, Y. Qin, A Novel Variable Reactor and Its Application to Shunt Power Quality Controller, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.31, no. 6, pps: 4148-4158, June 2016
5. Dayi Li, Kai Yang, Z. Q. Zhu, Yi Qin, A Novel Series Power Quality Controller with Reduced Passive Power Filter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.64, no.1, pps: 773 - 784, Jan. 2017
6. Dayi Li, Meng Song, Jing Hu, Yunsong Luo, Xueli Xiao, Kai Yang, Improved series active power filter with fundamental and harmonic magnetic flux hybrid compensation, IET Power Electronics, 2018.4.25 , 11(6):1038-1045,
7. Meng Song, Dayi Li, Xueli Xiao, Yunsong Luo, Jing Hu, Kai Yang, Novel four-quadrant variable impedance and its application, IET Power Electronics, 2017.8.10 , 10(15):2124-2132
1. A large capacity series active power filter, 2006, ZL 03119026.X.
2. A Soft Starter for High Voltage Motor, 2005, ZL 200410060984
3. Parallel Resonant Fundamental Wave Detection Circuit, ZL 200920083314.7
4. Integrated Power Quality Controller for Voltage Harmonic Sources, ZL 200920083233.7
5. Fast Fundamental Wave Detection Circuit, ZL 200920083234.1
6. New shunt active power filter, ZL201020172135.3
7. Flux Compensation Adjustable Reactor Based on Detection System Voltage, ZL201020172132.x
8. Control circuit for improving the efficiency of LLC resonant circuit, ZL201020235349.0
ü National Key Research and Development Program "Smart Grid Technology and Equipment" Key Special Project, Smart Distribution Flexible Multi-state Switch Technology, Equipment and Demonstration Applications, 2017/01-2021/12, 2017YFB0903100
ü National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Mechanism of Microgrid Integrated Flexible Power Quality Controller, 2015/01-2018/12, No. 51477060
ü China Southern Power Grid Corporation, comprehensive control strategy research on the area voltage problem based on controllable alternating current excitation technology, 2019/1-2021/6
ü China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Research on New Technology of Online Ice Melting for Overhead Lines, 2019/1-2021/66
ü Research on the mechanism and industrialization of economical and high reliability series power quality controller, 2019.1-2019.12
ü China Southern Power Grid Corporation, the development of excitation system for high temperature superconducting synchronous phase modulator, 2018/9-2020/12
ü China Southern Power Grid Corporation Project, High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Monitoring and Protection System Trial Production, 2018/8-2019/5
ü State Grid Corporation Project, Research on Fault Diagnosis and Early Warning Technology of Camera, 2017/06-2018/10
ü Enterprise commissioned development projects, key technology research and equipment development of high-power energy storage devices, 2014.12-2016.12
ü Enterprise commissioned development project, transformer test system for SVG research and development, 2011/09-2012/08
ü Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in Hubei Province, 2006
ü Member of IEEE(Power system)
ü Senior member of China Power Supply Society
ü Reviewer of IEEE TIE, IEEE TPE, IET PE, CSEE, AEPS, Guangdong Electric Power and so on.