Ph.D., Professor

ü Grid-scale energy storage technologies and applications
ü Electrochemical energy storage materials and devices
ü Advanced electrical materials
ü Materials physical chemistry
ü Wuhan University, School of Chemistry and Molecular Science, PhD (2001/09-2006/06)
ü Wuhan University, Department of Chemistry, Bachelor (1995/09-1999/06)
ü 2018/01- Now, HUST, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor
ü 2012/03-2017/12, HUST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor
ü 2010/01-2012/02, MIT, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Postdoc
ü 2007/02-2009/12, Auburn University, College of Science and Mathematics, Postdoc
1. G Liu, C Xu, H Li, K Jiang*, K Wang* State of charge and online model parameters co-estimation for liquid metal batteries Applied Energy, 2019, 250, 677–684
2. W Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* An Ultrastable Presodiated Titanium Disulfde Anode for Aqueous “Rocking-Chair” Zinc Ion Battery Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1900993
3. Q Jin, W Li, K Wang*, P Feng, H Li, T Gu, M Zhou, W Wang, S Cheng, K Jiang* Experimental design and theoretical calculation for sulfur-doped carbon nanofibers as a high performance sodium-ion battery anode J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 10239–10245
4. R Wang, K Wang*, S Gao, M Jiang, J Han, M Zhou, S Cheng, K Jiang* Electrocatalysis of polysulfide conversion by conductive RuO2 Nano Dots for lithium–sulfur batteries Nanoscale, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR04182B
5. H Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* Controllable Electrochemical Synthesis of Copper Sulfides as Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes with Superior Rate Capability and Ultralong Cycle Life ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10 (9), 8016-8025
6. K Jiang, S Gao, R Wang, M Jiang, J Han, T Gu, M Liu, S Cheng, K Wang* Lithium Sulfonate/Carboxylate-Anchored Polyvinyl Alcohol Separators for Lithium Sulfur Batteries ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10 (21), 18310-18315
7. Z Guo, C Xu, W Li, F Zhu, H Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* Numerical study on the thermal management system of a liquid metal battery module Journal of Power Sources 2018, 392, 181-192
8. H Li, K Wang*, H Zhou, X Guo, S Cheng, K Jiang* Tellurium-tin based electrodes enabling liquid metal batteries for high specific energy storage applications Energy Storage Materials 14, 267-271
9. W Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* A long-life aqueous Zn-ion battery based on Na3V2(PO4)2F3 cathode Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 15, 14-21
10. Jiali Lian, Wei Li, Feng Wang, Jie Yan, Kangli Wang*, Shijie Cheng and Kai Jiang* Enhanced Performance of Lead Acid Batteries with Bi2O2CO3/Activated Carbon Additives to Negative Plates. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164(7): A1726 -A1730
11. Wei Li, Kangli Wang*, Shijie Cheng and Kai Jiang* A two-dimensional hybrid of SbOx nanoplates encapsulated by carbon flakes as a high performance sodium storage anode. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 1160-1167
12. Shu Gao, Kangli Wang*, Ruxing Wang, Mao Jiang, Jing Han, Tiantian Gu, Shijie Chenga and Kai Jiang* Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based hybrid gel polymer electrolytes for additive-free lithium sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 17889-17895
13. Hongwei Tao, Min Zhou*, Kangli Wang*, Shijie Cheng and Kai Jiang* Nickel sulfide nanospheres anchored on reduced graphene oxide in situ doped with sulfur as a high performance anode for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 9322-9328
14. Ruxing Wang, Kangli Wang*, Shu Gao, Mao Jiang, Min Zhou, Shijie Cheng and Kai Jiang* Rational design of yolk–shell silicon dioxide@hollow carbon spheres as advanced Li–S cathode hosts. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 14881-14887
15. Feng, Pingyuan, Wei Wang*, Kangli Wang, Shijie Cheng, and Kai Jiang* Na3V2(PO4)3/C synthesized by a facile solid-phase method assisted with agarose as a high-performance cathode for sodium-ion batteries Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 21, 10261-10268
16. H Li, H Yin, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* D. Sadoway Liquid Metal Electrodes for Energy Storage Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2016, 1600483
17. H Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* High Performance Liquid Metal Battery with Environmentally Friendly Antimony Tin Positive Electrode ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 12830−12835
18. W Li, C Hu, M Zhou, K Wang*, H Li, S Cheng, K Jiang* The Electrochemical Synthesis of LiNbO2 in Molten Salts and its Application for Lithium Ion Batteries with High
Rate Capability, Electrochimica Acta 2016, 189, 231-236
19. W Li, C Hu, M Zhou, H Tao, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* Carbon-coated Mo3Sb7 Composite as Anode Material for Sodium Ion Batteries with Long Cycle Life, Journal of Power Sources 2016, 307, 173-180
20. Q Zhang, W Wang*, Y Wang, P Feng, K Wang, S Cheng, K Jiang* Controllable Construction of 3D-Skeleton-Carbon Coated Na3V2(PO4)3 for High-Performance Sodium Ion Battery Cathode, Nano Energy 2016, 20, 11-19
21. W Li, M Zhou, H Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* A high performance sulfur-doped disordered carbon anode for sodium ion batteries, Energy & Environmental Science, 2015, 8, 2916-2921
22. W Li, M Zhou, H Li, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* Carbon-coated Sb2 Se3 composite as anode material for sodium ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 2015, 60, 74-77
23. H Li, K Wang*, W Li, S Cheng, K Jiang* Molten salt electrochemical synthesis of sodium titanates as high performance anode materials for sodium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 2015, 3 (32), 16495-16500
24. M Zhou, W Li, T Gu, K Wang*, S Cheng, K Jiang* A sulfonated polyaniline with high density and high rate Na-storage performances as a flexible organic cathode for sodium ion batteries, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 14354-14356.
25. K Wang#, K Jiang#, B Chung, T Ouchi, PJ Burke, DA Boysen, DJ Bradwell, H Kim, U Muecke, DR Sadoway* Lithium-antimony-lead liquid metal battery for grid-level energy storage, Nature, 2014, 514 (7522), 348-350 (#co-first author)
26. H Kim, DA Boysen, JM Newhouse, BL Spatocco, B Chung, PJ Burke, DJ Bradwell, K Jiang, AA Tomaszowska, K Wang, W Wei, LA Ortiz, SA Barriga, SM Poizeau, DR Sadoway* Liquid metal batteries: Past, present, and future,Chemical Reviews, 2012, 113 (3), 2075-2099
27. K Jiang, H Xie, W Zhan* Photocurrent Generation from Ru(bpy)32+ Immobilized on Phospholipid/Alkanethiol Hybrid Bilayers, Langmuir, 2008, 25 (18), 11129-11136
28. K Jiang, H Zhang, C Shannon, W Zhan* Preparation and characterization of polyoxometalate/protein ultrathin films grown on electrode surfaces using layer-by-layer assembly, Langmuir, 2008, 24 (7), 3584-3589
29. K Jiang, X Hu, M Ma, D Wang*, G Qiu, X Jin, GZ Chen* “Perovskitization”‐Assisted Electrochemical Reduction of Solid TiO2 in Molten CaCl2, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2006, 45 (3), 428-432.
30. K Jiang, X Hu, H Sun, D Wang, X Jin, Y Ren, GZ Chen* Electrochemical synthesis of LiTiO2 and LiTi2O4 in molten LiCl, Chemistry of materials, 2004 16 (22), 4324-4329.
1. Positive Electrode Materials for Liquid and Semi-liquid Metal Batteries. China Patent (ZL 201310131616.8)
2. A Modeling Method for Liquid Metal Batteries. China Patent (ZL201710488395.8)
3. One Kind of Preparation Method and Its Product of Titanium Dioxide for Sodium Ion Battery Anode. China Patent (ZL 201610895448.3)
ü Research on Key Technologies of Liquid Metal Energy Storage Batteries, supported by The National Key Research and Development Program (2018 –2021),
ü Research on Discharge Mechanism of Antimony Based Liquid Metal Electrodes, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.: 51774148
ü Second Prize of Excellent Research Papers of Hubei Province, 2016
ü Committee Member of The Council on Electric Energy Storage of The Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)
ü Committee Member of The Council on Energy Storage Engineering of The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society China (CIESC)
ü Editorial Member of Energy Storage Science and Technology