Ph.D., Lecturer

ü Electron beam injector and RF gun
ü Accelerator physics and engineering
ü Radio frequency engineering and microwave technology
ü Undergraduate courses《Circuit theory》《Circuit measurement technology》
ü Graduate courses《Beam transport》《Numerical analysis and application of engineering electromagnetic field》
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electronic Information and Communications, PhD (2006/9-2013/12)
ü Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Bachelor (2001/9-2005/7)
ü 2015/9-2019/8
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer
ü 2013/10-2015/8
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Postdoc
1. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, and Guangyao Feng, Bunch length evaluation for typical beam injectors based on RF-phasing techniques, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2019, 916: 87-93
2. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Guangyao Feng, Electron beamline of a Linac-based injector applied on a compact FEL-THz radiation source, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 57: 100310
3. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Guangyao Feng, Bin Qin, Kaifeng Liu, Conceptual design for a novel pre-injector applied in a high power THz free electron laser, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 57: 096202
4. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Bin Qin, Kaifeng Liu, Guangyao Feng, Development of a novel thermionic RF electron gun applied on a compact THz-FEL facility, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018, 887: 1-6
5. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Bin Qin, Ping Tan, Qushan Chen, Lei Yang, Ji Li, Study of beam transverse properties of a thermionic electron gun for application to a compact THz free electron laser, Review of Scientific Instruments,2014, 85 (10): 103302
6. Tongning Hu, Qushan Chen, Yuanji Pei, Ji Li, Bin Qin, Physical design of FEL injector based on performance-enhanced EC-ITC RF gun, Chinese Physics C, 2014, 38 (1): 018101
7. Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Bin Qin, Qushan Chen, Beam tail effects of performance-enhanced EC-ITC RF gun, Chinese Physics C, 2013, 37 (12): 128101
1. Tongning Hu, Yao Lu, Guangyao Feng, Jun Yang, Yating Yuan, A measuring device for cavity axial electric field. China Patent (ZL 201721231057.8)
ü Generation and measurements for DC electron beams with low energy and high current, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No.: 2016YXMS280
ü Research on key technology of high performance independent adjustable RF gun, supported by Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, No.: 2015M572146
ü Research on key technology of *** FEL-THz source, Supported by The National Basic Research Program, 2012-2018
ü National Outstanding Innovation, 2017