Professor, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Applications of Artificial Intelligent Techniques in Smart Grid
ü Stability Analysis and Control of Smart Grid
ü Advanced Electrical Materials and its application in Power Systems
ü University of Calgary, Canada, Department of Electrical Engineering, PhD (1983/5-1986/4)
ü Huazhong Institute of Technology, Department of Power Engineering, Master (1978/9-1981/7)
ü Xi’an Jiaotong University, Department of Power Engineering, Bachelor (1962/9-1968/7)
ü 1988/11-Present
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer (1988), Associate Professor (1989), Professor (1990)
ü 1986/5-1988/7
The University of Calgary, Canada, Department of Electrical Engineering, Postdoc
ü 1981/3-1983/4
Huazhong Institute of Technology, Department of Power Engineering, Lecturer
ü 1970/4-1978/8
First Power Plant Construction Company in Shanxi Province, Shanxi, China, Worker
ü 1968/9-1970/3
Hubei CHENGHU Farm, Hanchuan, Hubei, China, Farmer
1. J. Liu, W. Yao, J. Y. Wen, J. K. Fang, L. Jiang, H. B. He, S. J. Cheng. Impact of power grid strength and PLL parameters on stability of grid-connected DFIG wind farm. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2897596.
2. W. Yao, C. Liu, J. K. Fang, X. M. Ai, J. Y. Wen, S. J. Cheng. Probabilistic analysis of commutation failure in LCC-HVDC system considering the CFPREV and the initial fault voltage angle. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2925399.
3. K. Sun, W. Yao, J. K. Fang, X. M. Ai, J. Y. Wen, S. J. Cheng. Impedance modeling and stability analysis of grid-connected DFIG-based wind farm with a VSC-HVDC. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2019, DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2901747
4. J. K. Fang, W. Yao, Z. Chen, J. Y. Wen, C. Su, S. J. Cheng. Improvement of wide-area damping controller subject to actuator saturations: a dynamic anti-windup approach. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(9): 2115-2123.
5. S. W. Liao, W. Yao, X. N. Han, J. Y. Wen, S. J. Cheng. Chronological operation simulation framework for regional power system under high penetration of renewable energy using meteorological data. Applied Energy, 2017, 203: 816-828.
6. W. Yao, L. Jiang, J. Y. Wen, Q. H. Wu, S. J. Cheng. Wide-area damping controller for power system inter-area oscillations: a networked predictive control approach. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015, 23(1): 27-36.
7. W. X. Lin, J. Y. Wen, S. J. Cheng. Multiport DC-DC Autotransformer for Interconnecting Multiple High-Voltage DC Systems at Low Cost. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015, 30(12): 6648-6660.
8. J. K. Fang, W. Yao, Z. Chen, J. Y. Wen, S. J. Cheng. Design of anti-windup compensator for energy storage-based damping controller to enhance power system stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014, 29(3): 1175-1185.
1. Shijie Cheng, Yijia Cao, Quanyuan Jiang. Theory and Method of Subsynchronous Oscillation in Power Systems, Beijing Science Press, 2009. 1
ü Second Award of the State Outstanding Education Achievement in China 1998
ü Second Award of the State Science and Technology Progress in China 2004
ü Second Award of the State Science and Technology Progress in China 2015
ü First Award of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress in Hubei 1998
ü First Award of the Provincial Natural Science in Hubei 2001
ü First Award of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress in Hubei, 2008
ü Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007
ü Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), 2011
ü Fellow the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE), 2011