Ph.D., Associate Professor

ü Microgrid energy management
ü Charge and discharge control of energy storage system
ü Renewable energy generation
ü Power Electronics Equipment and System (Undergraduate)
ü Power Electronics (Undergraduate)
ü 2007.9-2011.6, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST
PhD in Power Electronics and Electric Drive
ü 2005.9-2007.6, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST
MSc in Power Electronics and Electric Drive
ü 1996.9-2000.6, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST
BSc in Electrical engineering and automation
ü 2018/6-persent
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor
ü 2011/6-2018/6
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer
1. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan, Tao Cai, Bangyin Liu, Guozhen Hu. Smart energy management system for optimal microgrid economic operation. IET Renewable Power Generation, 5(3): 258-267, 2011, ESI Highly Cited Paper.
2. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan, Tao Cai, Bangyin Liu, Guozhen Hu. Optimal allocation and economic analysis of energy storage system in microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 26(10): 2762-2773, 2011, ESI Highly Cited Paper.
3. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan, Tao Cai, Bangyin Liu. Online 24-h solar power forecasting based on weather type classification using artificial neural network. Solar Energy, 85(11): 2856-2870, 2011, ESI Highly Cited Paper.
4. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan. Optimal Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(3): 1917-1926. 2014.
5. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan. Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generation and Energy Storage System in Microgrids. IET Renewable Power Generation, 8(6): 581–589, 2014
6. Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan. Microgrid Economic Operation Considering Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Integration. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 3(2): 221-231, May. 2015.
7. Changsong Chen, Xiao Liangle, Duan Shanxu, Chen Jin. Cooperative Optimization of Electric Vehicles in Microgrids Considering Across-Time-and-Space Energy Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2): 1532-1542, 2019.
8. Dongdong Yang, Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan, Jiuqing Cai, Liangle Xiao. A Variable Duty Cycle Soft Startup Strategy for LLC Series Resonant Converter Based on Optimal Current-Limiting Curve, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31(11): 7996-8006, 2016.
9. Jiuqing Cai, Changsong Chen, Peng Liu, Shanxu Duan. Centralized control of parallel connected power conditioning system in electric vehicle charge–discharge and storage integration station. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 3(2): 269-276, 2015.
10. Liu Peng, Changsong Chen, Duan Shanxu, and Zhu Wenjie. Dual Phase-Shifted Modulation Strategy for the Three-Level Dual-Active-Bridge DC−DC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(10): 7819-7830, 2017.
11. Liu Peng, Changsong Chen, Duan Shanxu, Jin Li, and Zhu Wenjie. A Three-Level Rectifier Structure with Flying Capacitors for DC−DC Converter in High Voltage Output Application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(3): 2122-2134, 2018.
12. Wenjie Zhu, Changsong Chen, Duan Shanxu, Wang Tao, Liu Peng, A Carrier-based Discontinuous PWM Method with Varying Clamped Area for Vienna Rectifier, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(9): 7177-7188, 2019.
ü The National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project 51477067.
ü The National Key Research and Development Program of China under Project 2018YFB0106300.